Update of the EURL-AP Intranet database

Over the past few months we have noticed that many NRLs are not up to date with their data included in the intranet database. Some listings have not been updated for almost 10 years!

As a reminder, it is your responsibility to check and update this data as soon as your team or your (e-mail) addresses change. All exchanges (information transmitted to the network, sending of PT samples, etc.) are based on this data.

To check or update your data, it’s very simple!

  1. The person in charge of your NRL (Head of NRL) must send us an email to request the excel file of your last update.
  2. Once the data has been reviewed, the file must be returned to us.
  3. On this basis, the data available on the intranet as well as the mailing list will be updated.

If you have a contact person for the mass spectrometry at your lab, a new field has been added at the end of the file. Feel free to fill it, it is of course not compulsory.

Note that a simple e-mail with a new name or a new e-mail address is not sufficient. Use of this file is mandatory.

To check your data, you can also log into the EURL-AP intranet and go to the contact-> members page. By filtering the list by the name of your institute, you will see who is in your list and their assignments (head of NRL, NRL PCR contact, NRL PCR team…)

Last but not least: When you send an email to one of the EURL-AP team members, do not hesitate to add the address secretary@eurl.craw.eu in CC. This address does not correspond to any “secretary”. By using this address, all the members of the EURL-AP scientific team (including Olivier, Pascal, Aline, Abigaël and myself) will receive your mail and we will be able to reply to you even if one of them is not available.

Calibration kit (calibrants) for poultry detection by PCR available

The EURL-AP is pleased to announce that the ERM-AD484k POULTRY pDNA CALIBRANT is now available and can be ordered. To access to the right page of the JRC website click here Search (484k) – ERM-AD484k POULTRY pDNA CALIBRANT ” – Certified Reference Materials catalogue of the JRC (europa.eu).

You can also find a link on the EURL-AP website. Go to https://www.eurl.craw.eu/legal-sources-and-sops/method-of-reference-and-sops/. In the section “Calibration kits for ruminant, pig and poultry detection by PCR”, click on the dedicated link.

Publication of the report on the 2021 implementation study on insect PAP detection by PE/TCE sedimentation

The report related to the EURL-AP implementation study on the detection of insect PAP in feed by double sedimentation method PE/TCE followed by light microscopy identification is published. You can download it from the page “Scientific reports” under the menu “Publication”.